Contacts - Evasto2000

Office: town of Plovdiv, 17 Gorno Brodi Str., ground floor

Phone: 032/517 456 and Fax: 032/594 051

Mobile phone: 0893634369; 0899847228


    1Waste Management Act
    2Environmental Protection Act
    8Ordinance for the Requirements for Treatment and Transportation of Industrial and Hazardous Waste
    10Ordinance No. 2 from 23 July 2014 for Waste Classification
    11Ordinance No. 1 from 4 June 2014 for the Order and Models for Presenting Information About the Activities Regarding the Waste and the Order of Keeping Public Registers
    14Ordinance for the Requirements for Treatment and Transportation of Used Oils and Waste Petroleum Products
    15Ordinance for the Used Oils and Waste Petroleum Products
    16Ordinance for Batteries and Car Batteries and for Batteries and Car Batteries Unfit for Use
    17Ordinance for the Off the Road Motor Vehicles
    18Ordinance for Obsolete Electrical and Electronic Equipment from 13 November 2013
    19Ordinance for the Requirements for Treatment of Used Tires from 14 September 2012
    20Ordinance for Management of Construction Waste and Use of Recycled Construction Materials
    24Ordinance No. 3 from 5 August 2014 for the Requirements for the Order and Way for Stocktaking of Equipment, Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Its Marking and Cleaning, and for the Treatment and Transportation of Waste, Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls.